MLS Laser Therapy

A minimally invasive, painless approach to the treatment of various painful conditions.

We obtained our MLS Laser System in April 2018. Since then we have seen numerous patients responding favorably to treatment. MLS Laser Therapy has already proven to help patients who have failed other treatments such as injections, physical therapy, and surgery. One of our doctors will review your case to determine if this therapy could be beneficial for you and individualize a plan specific to your condition.

  • Knee pain
  • Back pain
  • Shoulder pain

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Hip pain

  • TMJ

  • Arthritis

  • Sprains

  • Peripheral Neuropathy

  • Carpal Tunnel

Multiwave Locked System® (MLS) Therapy Class IV Laser System

MLS Laser Therapy FAQs

How does MLS Laser Therapy work?

Laser light increases blood flow, reduces inflammation, facilitates the removal of toxins from within cells, and encourages cell regeneration. Laser energy is able to block pain signals from the nerves.

Acute injuries are recommended to be treated with a minimum of 6 visits. Chronic injuries are recommended to be treated with a minimum of 12 visits. Visits should be approximately every 2-3 days until completion.

Each laser treatment is cumulative in its ability to heal the affected area. For this reason, it is recommended to complete the entire series of treatments even if improvement in symptoms is achieved earlier.

What is MLS Therapy?

MLS stands for Multi-Wave Locked System and is a Class IV Laser. Two wavelengths are combined in an effort to reduce pain and inflammation. MLS Laser therapy is cleared by the FDA. MLS Laser does not generate heat and has no known harmful effects on the body.

Does Laser Therapy hurt?

Laser therapy is not painful and does not generate heat. You may be asked to lay on your back, stomach, side, or sit in a chair for treatment.